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Teryn Midzain


Teryn Midzain

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Truck Hit and Run on a 100 Mile House Business Under Investigation

Major property damage has been committed in a hit-and-run incident in 100 Mile House. The RCMP says they received a report of mischief to property...

Urban Deer Population in the Cariboo Rising

Residents in the Cariboo will have to get used their newest furry neighbours. You may have noticed more deer are adventuring into the heart of...

Kitten brought into Emergency Room finds his Forever Home

A nursing unit assistant in Williams Lake found herself with an extra special patient for about five weeks. Brielle Gagnon was on shift at Cariboo...

Quesnel River Rush’s Lead Scorer Heads to NCAA D3

Quesnel River Rush's Cash Anderson is heading south to join the NCAA. Anderson has committed to play for the Fredonia State University Blue Devils in...

B.C. Forecasters Predicting Drought with Below Average Snowpack Levels

  B.C.'s latest Snow Conditions and Water Supply Bulletin show lower than normal snowpack levels province-wide. The current snowpack levels as of March 1st sit at...
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