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Shawn Daniels


Shawn Daniels

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“World Class” Plans for 99 Mile Recreation Area

The District of 100 Mile House has big plans for the 99 Mile Recreational area. Urban Systems Limited, a consulting firm out of Kamloops, has...

100 Mile Man Raising Awareness for Organ Donation

A local man from 100 Mile House is helping spread the importance of being an organ donor. Andrew Jones, who was born in 100 Mile,...

Wranglers Sporting New Jerseys For October

The 100 Mile Wranglers are doing their part to help with the rebuilding process of the wildfires. The local hockey team will be sporting some...

Attempted Break and Enter in Lac La Hache

The 100 Mile RCMP responded to over one hundred complaints and calls this past week. One of those calls was to the soccer fields in 100 Mile where a lady...

100 Mile Mayor Calls For Action After Promising UBCM Convention

BC Premier John Horgan is planning a trip to the Cariboo after meeting with Representatives from the area at the 2017 UBCM Convention. 100 Mile House Mayor...
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