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Bob Duck


Bob Duck

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City goes to bat for Williams Lake Indian Band

The former federal government under Stephen Harper set up the "Specific Claims Tribunal" in an effort to bring closure to many outstanding aboriginal land...

Williams Lake elementary school evacuated

A Williams Lake elementary school had to evacuate this morning after reports of a foul odour. The odour was eventually traced to a bulk head...

SD 27 grabs lions share of provincial school transportation funding

School District 27, Cariboo-Chilcotin is getting the largest single amount of funding under the provinces Student Transportation Fund. The fund was announced back in August and all...

Have your say on Mt. Polley water management

The Mount Polley Mine is applying for an amendment to it's long-term water management plans for the mine site. To that end, British Columbians are...

Guns, drugs and suspected stolen property recovered in Williams Lake

A number of firearms, drugs and a large sum of cash as well as suspected stolen property have been recovered by Williams Lake RCMP. Yesterday...
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