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Alex Martin


Alex Martin

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100 Mile House & Williams Lake to Receive Funding for Retraining Older Workers

More details have emerged regarding the provincial government’s announcement of fourteen skills programs under the Targeted Initiative for Older Workers Older workers between 55 and...

Health Care Protest In 100 Mile House

100 Mile House will play host as the Hospital Employees Union has a rally planned for later today to protest the planned privatization of laundry...

Ride for Veterans Visits the Cariboo

The journey has now begun for a Cariboo veteran who is riding across Canada to raise awareness about the changing face of vets. A parade...

Quesnel Paintball Fields Receive Grant

 Exciting news for paintballers in the region !  The Northern Strike Paintball Association has received almost 95-hundred dollars in funding to build two speedball fields...

108 Ice Off Winners Announced

7:06 pm on Friday March 20th. That’s when the anchor went through the ice on the 108 Mile Lake making Laraine Shedden the winner of the Lions...
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