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Alex Martin


Alex Martin

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Lakes Around 100 Mile House Being Restocked

The thousands of lakes in the South Cariboo will be enjoying an influx over the next few days as Trout trucks from the Clearwater...

Hospital Workers Appear Before Legislature to Present Petition Protesting Job Losses in 100 Mile House, Williams Lake

The fight for laundry services continued last week as representatives from the hospital workers unions presented a petition with over 12,000 signatures to legislature in...

Relay-For-Life Cancelled in 100 Mile House

100 Mile House will follow the Lake City’s lead as their Relay-for-Life event has been officially cancelled. A lack of interest is the reason cited by...

Attempt at Tree Planting Record Underway in Williams Lake, Horsefly

The Cariboo will be well represented today when the Sustainable Forestry Initiative makes an attempt the world record for most trees planted simultaneously in...

Youth Present Proposal to Keep Hidden Bike Park to 100 Mile House District Council

A remarkable youth project led to a crowded One Hundred Mile House District Council meeting earlier this week. A bike park of sorts was constructed...
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