100 Mile Fire Rescue will be adding some new tools to their fire fighting arsenal.
District of 100 Mile House Mayor Maureen Pinkney said the department will be getting a new Engine Truck, priced at just under $900,000, sometime this year to replace the current one which has come to the end of it’s certifiable life.
Pinkney added that’s not the only addition coming to 100 Mile Fire Rescue.
“We’re also getting a new Brush Truck to which is replacing our old one from the 90’s. A Brush Truck is a Crew Cab that has a very extensive jack on it with with compartments and that protects our Parkland and Woodland, those places where a big truck can’t fit.”
This vehicle is designed for getting into the bush and surrounding areas for smaller wild fires and structure fires.
We asked Pinkney when she thinks these vehicles will be delivered.
“We’re pretty close. I think the Fire Truck because it was order awhile ago, it may end up coming before the other Truck, but the Brush Truck being smaller doesn’t need as many things put on it, so the timing could be about the same.”
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