With Summer coming to a close, and fall approaching, it’s still important for everyone to stay bear aware.
While the summers were good with enough natural food sources for bears to have, people should still be aware of keeping away attractants.
“Most fruit trees are ripe, and that’s the thing, to get that fruit off those trees, get them utilized. If you’re not gonna use them, share it with somebody else.” says Ted Traer, Wildsafe Coordinator for the Cariboo.
“If it’s something that’s just a frustration for you, and you’re never gonna use it again in the future, consider removing it and putting something else in.”
Traer added that bears are very smart, as once they figure out where food is, they cant unlearn it.
He said that it’s important to make sure that we don’t leave those opportunities out.
For more information on bears and more, you can visit the Wildsafe BC website here.
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