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HomeNews100 Mile HouseWilliams Lake School Creating Ideas for a New City Flag

Williams Lake School Creating Ideas for a New City Flag

The Cariboo Adventist Academy’s art class students were tasked to create a new flag for the City of Williams Lake.

This project came about from the art teacher at the school, who has a love of flags.

“As an art project, I thought it would be cool to bring that to my current class, as I really like flags, my class is filled with it.” said Kevin McCarty, teacher for the grade six and seven class.

McCarty has done similar work outside of Williams Lake. He did a policy change paper in university, where he addressed a change for the Kelowna flag. He said that that’s where this all came from.

The art project was proposed at city council last Tuesday, March 22nd. The new flag proposal looks to go further into discussion at an upcoming Committee of Whole Council meeting, with regards to the consideration of a new flag and branding initiatives.

Mayor Walt Cobb looks to meet with the class and share the history of the current crest for Williams Lake.



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