Removing the connecting link between Arena Two and the new arena, leaving the existing ice plant in its current location and reducing the overall size of the building by approximately 4,000 square feet.
Those three things will, according to the North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee, save 3 1/2 million dollars towards a new arena in Quesnel.
Mayor Bob Simpson says those decisions, which still have to be approved by the CRD, will bring the project down into the 18.75 million dollar range.
He says while that is still a little above the original price tag of 17 to 17 1/2 million, he is now confident that they can come up with the extra money if need be.
Simpson cites reserves in sub regional recreation and a 6 million dollar ask for Federal Gas Tax money as two possibilities.
He says now that they have clarity on the scope of the project they can reactivate their fundraising efforts.
The plan is to tender the project in the fall and for construction to begin in the spring of 2016.
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