A victory of sorts for the users and residents around Quesnel Lake in the effort to get Imperial Metals, owners of the Mount Polley Mine, to relocate the mines discharge line.
The deadline for public input has been extended to December 23rd.
While the extension is seen as a bit of a victory for the opponents, who want to see the discharge point moved to the Quesnel River instead of a deep water discharge directly into the lake, the conversations are on going, in fact as we hear from Doug Watt of Likely, there was a conference call last night: “it is a very complex issue. We actually had a conference call with Mount Polley last night, community members, delving into some of the complexities.”
The temporary permit allowing the mine to discharge treated waste water into the lake expires in about a year and while that may seem like a long time, as Watt explains, there is a lot of reading to do…the TAR, the technical assessment report is well over two-thousand pages, so there’s a lot of stuff in there.”
The temporary discharge permit allows the mine to release its treated water into the lake and the mine has been doing just that for almost a year.
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