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HomeNews100 Mile HouseCariboo wildlife-human contact

Cariboo wildlife-human contact

In many areas of the province, including the Cariboo, the number of wildlife-human interactions is up over last year.

In the Williams Lake area the number of black bear encounters is actually down from last year’s 90 calls to 67 this year, however Sergeant Jeff Tyre of the Williams Lake Conservation Officer Service says one type of encounter is up and it might surprise you, “what we did notice there was in Quesnel, Williams Lake and 100 mile, there was an increase in aggressive does with fawns towards dogs mostly but adults, so if people are walking their dogs, that aggression can be turned on the people in a hurry .”

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In Williams Lake over this past year there have been 20 cougar calls, the same as last year, grizzly calls are down slightly, although they are currently trying to deal with a grizzly causing some issues on the plateau.
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