Conservative Party of BC Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Lorne Doerkson said he has a number of concerns with yesterday’s (Tuesday) Provincial Budget starting with the staggering amount of debt BC is in.
“I’ve been saying for a couple of years now that we can’t continue on this path. It took a 130 years to arrive 8 years ago at a debt Provincially of $50 billion and to note by the end of this plan, we’re going to be at $210 billion is shocking to me. Such a massive amount of money and the legacy the current Government is leaving behind for our children and grandchildren is one absolutely mired in debt.”
Another thing that caught Doerkson’s attention in the budget is the revenue side of the equation.
“I’ve been saying for year we have to unshackle our industry and get permits approved and frankly it’s not just industry. It’s anybody entering into a project whether they’re building, it doesn’t matter what they’re doing, the reality is, is that the permitting process in this Province is broken and it’s costing so much loss with respect to income and GDP.”
Doerkson noted that when a permit is approved most the events that happen after that are taxable events to the Province and therefore income to our residents.
“I think it’s extremely important to note that with respect to the Forest income to this Province, it’s actually gone down again, from $657 million to $639 million which is alarming to say the least. We obviously understand in our communities in the Cariboo-Chilcotin what industry looks like.”
Doerskon also had concerns with the Carbon Tax continuing to rise and also personal income tax.
“I am fearful of that because we’re not in a time where our residents can saddle anymore transfer to the Government whether that’s through taxation or other means. These are serious developments in this budget that concern me in massive ways.”
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