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HomeNewsQuesnel Council Seeks Permission To Borrow 10 Million Dollars

Quesnel Council Seeks Permission To Borrow 10 Million Dollars

Quesnel City Council has now confirmed the magic 10 percent number that would prevent it from borrowing 10 million dollars for a new public works facility.
The reverse petition process, where people only vote if they are against the project, began on Wednesday.
Mayor Bob Simpson, along with the rest of Council, landed on a number of 723 at Tuesday night’s meeting.
As Simpson explains, however, that number is really just to gauge what the community generally thinks.
He says anything under 723 allows them to proceed with the borrowing authority but Simpson also says that if they are in the 650 to 700 range Council may want to go to a referendum anyways.
He says there is a cost savings to going this route as opposed to a referendum.
This process will now continue until 4-30 on April 4th.
Simpson says there will be no additional cost to the taxpayer to borrow this money as a loan for the Johnston Bridge upgrade that was done years ago will come off the books, they will no longer be putting money aside for the West Quesnel Land Stability program and there will be some operational savings from a new building.
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