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HomeNewsEvacuation Order/Alerts downgraded in the Wells-Barkerville area

Evacuation Order/Alerts downgraded in the Wells-Barkerville area

An Evacuation Order for a small portion of the Wells area has been downgraded to an alert.evacuation order area

Wells Mayor Ed Coleman says two alerts were also lifted on Monday.

“Because the Cornish Mountain fire has got a big guard around it, it’s got water hose all the way around it, it’s a big massive area, kilometres of hose, and machinery on standby and a crew of 70, we’re now able to take the Order of the mine area of Cornish Mountain down to an alert. Then we’re able to take the alert off the rest of District of Wells, and the CRD simultaneously was able to take their alert off and that’s for now, and that’s to signal that we’re resourced very well.”

Coleman says he has also lifted a state of local emergency for the area.

“Yes, so what happens is when I take down the order for the Cornish Mountain/8 Mile Lake area. When I take down an order I also have to rescind the local state of emergency which I’ve done. And the reason for that is we have absolutely everything we would imagine to have, and once I am satisfied with that then I can bring down that state of local emergency. I don’t have to use any special powers to get more resources here, they’re all here or on their way.”

Coleman says it is a bit surreal right now as there is no smoke, the skies are sunny and clear.

He says the smoke is all in the hills as there is no wind either.

Coleman says he can’t say enough about the response they have seen to the fires in the area.

“The Lhtako Dene Nation has pulled out all the stops to help this region get resources here from the province, and the province has been awesome about getting resources here. I can’t understate that, It’s been impressive.”

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