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HomeNews100 Mile HouseForest Grove residents able to vote on loan options for fire tender...

Forest Grove residents able to vote on loan options for fire tender truck

Voters in the Forest Grove fire protection service area can soon choose how long funding will be borrowed for a fire tender truck.

The Cariboo Regional District said they would be borrowing up to $600,000 in either a five or ten year period.

This comes as the current fire truck is reaching the end of its service of 20 years.

If borrowing is approved by voters, the borrowing will be over ten years, and residents can expect property taxes to go up 27.5 percent, but if a majority vote against, the borrowing will be over five years, with a property tax increase of 48.4 percent.

Voters can request mail ballots from the Chief Election Officer starting July 8th until August 8th at 4:00pm, or through advance voting on July 31st at the South Cariboo Recreation Centre, and August 6th at the Forest Grove Community Hall.

August 10th will be the general voting day at the Forest Grove Community Hall, with all voting dates going from 8:00am to 8:00pm.

Mail ballots and sent back to the Chief Election Officer by 4:00 p.m. on August 9th at either the 100 Mile House or Williams Lake office, or deposited with the Chief Election Officer at the Forest Grove Community Hall by 8:00 p.m. on General Voting Day.

More information can be found on the Cariboo Regional District’s website here.

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