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HomeNews100 Mile HouseAre You Ready To Rodeo Williams Lake Style

Are You Ready To Rodeo Williams Lake Style

The 96th Annual Williams Lake Stampede will come busting out of the chute later this afternoon to kick off the Canada Day Long weekend.

Kayla Jasper, Vice President of the Stampede Association said it will get going at 5:20 with the Stampede Grandstand presentation of Indigenous Wagons and riders.

We’re going to be inviting in the wagons and riders that have been on the road for the last week showcasing traditional ways of how it use to be done. Williams Lake First Nation is putting together a great opening ceremony for us as well.”

As of yesterday (Thursday) afternoon Jasper noted that ticket sales have been strong.

I would say our Saturday performance is about three quarters sold so I can’t even guarantee that there’s going to be tickets at the gate that day. Sunday and Monday are also going strong for ticket sales.”

Tonight fans are encouraged to wear orange to celebrate local Indigenous cultures and Jasper talked about what’s in store theme wise for Saturday and Sunday performances.

It has always been historically that we honour our Arm Forces but we also want to recognize all of our First Responders as well and the work that they do and put in. So for that we are wearing Saturday, and then on Sunday is our tough enough to wear pink day.”

Weekend rodeo performances go Saturday and Sunday afternoons at a new time of 3:45 and Canada Day Monday at 1:45.


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