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HomeNewsRugby Players From Around The Province And Beyond Coming To Williams Lake

Rugby Players From Around The Province And Beyond Coming To Williams Lake

The largest social Rugby Tournament in the province will be happening this Stampede weekend in Williams Lake.

President of the Rustlers Rugby Club Alex Crook said upwards of 25 teams from all over the Province and down into the States will be taking part in the 43rd Annual Rugby Fest.

Crook added it’s a pretty unique event given they have two fields, a clubhouse, and a very accommodating camping area.

Everyone can come up and camp. It’s like a big camping trip interrupted by some rugby games. Something else that’s unique is our buckles. Just like the Williams Lake Stampede we also give out nice, big shiny buckles to the winners of our competitive division.”

Fans can come out and watch rugby players from all over the province and South of the boarder compete and Crook went over the schedule for the weekend.

Games are Saturday and Sunday. It will kick off Saturday morning at 9 and going until 5 pm. Sunday will be the finals starting roughly around the same time as Saturday and running until the evening.”

The 43rd Annual Stampede Rugby Fest will be played on the Ottoman fields on Dog Creek Road just 10 minutes out of Williams Lake.

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