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HomeNewsMan arrested at town hall meeting hosted by Cariboo North MLA

Man arrested at town hall meeting hosted by Cariboo North MLA

A town hall meeting in Quesnel last (Monday) night on several topics, including the opioid crisis and crime and vandalism, was ironically interrupted by a man under the influence.

He was eventually escorted out but he then broke a window and was held down until police arrived.


The meeting was hosted by Cariboo North MLA Coralee Oakes at the Senior’s Centre.

There were several other politicians on hand as well to answer questions, including Cariboo-Prince George MP Todd Doherty who talked about how the decriminalization of drugs was failing because BC hasn’t invested in recovery.

He used Oregon as an example and how that state had just walked back on it.

“Because their streets are overrun with addicted Oregonians, their streets have become almost like war zones, does that sound familiar ?  When we look at our downtown core of our communities we’ve got graffiti, we’ve got vandalism, we’ve got so many people that are living this horrible life.”

Doherty went on to say that the safe supply that was being given to people was often being sold for harder drugs like fentanyl.

Ellis Ross, the MLA for Skeena, noted that the NDP also liked to use Portugal as an example of how decriminalization can work.

“In Portugal they have an option, if you commit a crime you go to treatment or you go to jail.   BC blamed Ottawa for the bail conditions but really Mike De Jong used to be the Attorney General for BC and he told the BC Government there is a way for the Attorney General to direct Crown Counsel to press charges, mental health and addiction issues aside.   For the most prolific offenders there is a way to direct Crown Counsel but Crown Counsel has been told right now to not press charges.”

Ross added that when BC signed an agreement with Ottawa it wasn’t done through legislation.

“We didn’t debate it, it’s an experiment, but BC was supposed to provide treatment beds and they didn’t do it.  They were also supposed to start an ad campaign to talk about how bad drugs are, but they didn’t do it.”

Ross also talked about an Alberta model to improve treatment.

“They actually took addictions out of the health care system, and they treated and funded specifically as addictions.  They are building treatment centers all over Alberta under the Addictions Ministry.”

Quesnel and District Chamber of Commerce Manager Kathy Somerville addressed the panel on theft and vandalism and how it was making it difficult for businesses to make ends meet.

“The Chamber completed a survey with 82 businesses in Quesnel and found that 62 percent of the businesses are feeling financial hardships caused by vandalism, and a staggering 61 percent are being hit with theft.”

Somerville went on to ask what government is going to do to help businesses through this challenging times.

Cariboo-Prince George MP Todd Doherty, talked about the federal and provincial government’s catch and release program where prolific offenders aren’t held accountable.

Delta South BC United MLA Ian Paton also at the meeting along with several members of Quesnel City Council and the Cariboo Regional District.

All tolled there were between 50 and 60 people in attendance.

Several other topics were discussed including healthcare, agriculture, mining, and wildlife management.

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