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HomeNews100 Mile House108 Community Hall Receives Funding Towards Energy Upgrades

108 Community Hall Receives Funding Towards Energy Upgrades

A $45,000 Community works fund has been committed by the Cariboo Regional District for the 108 Mile Community Hall.

CRD Director for Electoral Area G, Al Richmond said it was built in the mid eighties so it’s due for an energy upgrade.

With the cost of natural gas and everything else going up, Richmond says the 108 Ranch Community Association is looking to increase the energy efficiency of the building.

“In this case their proposal is to put additional insulation on the outside of the building and then re-side the building which needs to be done given it was built so long ago. They’ll also be applying, and I’ll be writing a letter of support for their application to the Northern Development Initiative Trust (NDIT) for some funding to get the job done. The estimated cost of this job is somewhere in the $90,000 range.”

We asked Richmond if the upgrades could begin before prior to having all the funding in place.

“The intention was they have a quote to start in the Spring but normally NDIT in particular doesn’t like any projects started before they’ve approved it. There’s adequate time for their intakes for grants to do that so it should be fine. I think we’re far out ahead on this to see that project come into fruition in the New Year.”

The funding will be used to make several building envelope upgrades, including energy efficient insulation, wall surface preparation, and applying house wrap to the exterior.

Combined, the CRD stated these upgrades will significantly improve the 108 Community Hall’s energy efficiency and heat retention.

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