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HomeNewsCariboo North MLA calls on NDP to do more to help students...

Cariboo North MLA calls on NDP to do more to help students with affordability crisis

   Cariboo North MLA Coralee Oakes is calling on the NDP government to do more to help students and seniors in the face of the rising cost of living.
   Oakes, speaking in the BC Legislature, said housing costs for students was becoming a huge burden.
   “How are students supposed to focus on their studies and attend school when they fork over 3 thousand dollars a month just to sleep.  It is unreasonable and the young people in our province deserve better results than this.”
   Oakes says it’s not just rent that is adding to student stress.
   “In the past year we’ve continued to hear from Student Associations about the major increase in students accessing food banks on campus.  Last Christmas we heard of students dumpster diving for food.  I’m sure that all members in this house can agree that this situation is deeply troubling.”
   Oakes says the skyrocketing costs of housing, groceries and other goods are also prohibiting students from staying in British Columbia once they finish their studies.
   She says car insurance for young people is also at a staggering rate.
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