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HomeNewsWilliams Lake has improved access to maternity care with new clinic

Williams Lake has improved access to maternity care with new clinic

A new clinic for maternity care has opened in Williams Lake, in partnership between Interior Health and Central Interior Rural Division of Family Practice.

The new clinic at the Cariboo Memorial Hospital allows patients to not have to look around for a maternity provider, as the providers and clinic are at the one location.

Jill Zirnhelt, Executive Director with Central Interior Rural Division of Family Practice, says that the benefits of the new clinic are actually two fold.

“The second big benefit I see is it creates a collaborative, and innovative model to practice maternity in, and will be a desirable location to potentially recruit other providers as the community builds up it’s provider base again.” says Zirnhelt.

Zirnhelt added that it’ll make things a lot easier for everybody, including the clinics that took calls to figure out how and when to fit new patients into their practice.

Patients are now also able to just call the number (250-302-3294) to find out exactly where to go and how to book their appointment.

The clinic will run from Monday to Friday from 8:00am to 8:00pm, and will be staffed by four physicians, who will provide full scope maternity care.

More information about the new maternity care clinic can be found on Interior Health’s website here.

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