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HomeNewsSchedule out for the Coy Cup Senior Hockey Championship in Quesnel

Schedule out for the Coy Cup Senior Hockey Championship in Quesnel

The Quesnel Kangaroos will take on a familiar opponent to kick things off at the 100th version of the Coy Cup on Tuesday, March 28th.

They will play the Terrace River Kings, the team they just beat for the Central Interior Hockey League title.

Quesnel will then host the Penticton Silver Bullets on Wednesday night and the Dawson Creek Canucks next Thursday night.

All of their games will be 8 o’clock starts.

The other game on those days will be at 4-30.

President and GM Tyler Coleman says pre-ticket sales are done.

“The last time I was able to check I think it was close to half full. It has been a phenomenal response. We have such as incredible community here, people have really been behind us in such a great way. It’s been wonderful to see.”

Coleman says tickets for individual games will be available at the rink beginning at around one hour prior to faceoff.

He says they can always use more volunteers for the tournament.

Those interested in helping out are asked to go to the Kangaroos Facebook page.

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