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HomeNews100 Mile HousePinkney is The Only Candidate Running for 100 Mile House Mayor

Pinkney is The Only Candidate Running for 100 Mile House Mayor

100 Mile House voters won’t have to worry about choosing their next Mayor, as there is only one candidate.

Maureen Pinkney will be the only candidate running for Mayor, while the current Mayor, Mitch Campsall, has decided to step down.

“I’ve lived in 100 mile my whole life, and feel that we need to really get moving it forward with the local forestry issues and things we need to start looking outside the box to try and get more industry and stuff there.” says Maureen Pinkney, City Counsillor for 100 Mile House.

Other issues Pinkney believes is affecting 100 Mile include health, and housing. She also said that there’a a bit of a desperate situation in the job force, after losing two mills in the last five to seven years.

Residents will be able to vote in the Municipal election on October 15th.

For more information on who’s running in this years local elections, you can check the Civic Info BC website here.

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