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HomeNews100 Mile HouseNewest Multi-Use Trail In The Cariboo Completed On Time

Newest Multi-Use Trail In The Cariboo Completed On Time

The Cariboo’s newest mountain bike, a multi-use trail within the Marble Range east of Clinton could be ready to open in late spring, or early summer.

Thomas Schoen Chair of the Cariboo Mountain Bike Consortium and Trail Planner said it was completed late last fall despite the adversities mother nature threw their way in the summer

“It was a really tough construction season last year. We had the heat dome. We had wildfires surrounding the crew. There were fires burning on the west side of the Fraser, we had the big fires around the 100 Mile House area, so really all around that particular trail construction project. You throw COVID in the mix, it was tough but we managed to finish the trail before the snow came.”

Schoen added that an official grand opening is scheduled to take place the weekend of August 27th and 28th.

“This is relatively late in the season and that’s because of other events happening in the Cariboo when the riding community and our partners from the various bike clubs in Williams Lake, 100 Mile House, and Quesnel are available for a grand opening.”

It’s not just a mountain bike trail, Schoen said, “We encourage people to hike, run, walk that trail, it;s a multi-use trail.”

This 8-kilometre trail on a mountain named Jesmond Lookout Mountain can also be used in the winter for snowshoeing.

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