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HomeNews100 Mile HouseCRD Postpones Proposal Until 2023

CRD Postpones Proposal Until 2023

Cariboo Regional District postpones the proposed new services referendum until 2023.

The Cariboo Regional District Board and South Cariboo Joint Committee (SCJC) agreed to postpone the referendum for a new South Cariboo Recreation and Culture service until next year. The original referendum was proposed for June of this year.

Margo Wagner, CRD Chair, talks about why the postponement happened. “The feedback the electoral  area directors were getting was not of a positive kind, and also we were really hampered by the need for us to get out and do public consultation in a face-to-face manner.”

The new recreation service is being considered for the South Cariboo which includes all electoral areas G, H and L and the district of 100 Mile House. The current boundaries are within the district of 100 Mile House, 108 Mile Ranch, Lone Butte and parts of Forest Grove. This does not include Lac La Hache, Canim Lake or the Interlakes area along Highway 24.

The feedback from the public during the initial consultation, had the SCJC feel the need to include the potential of a new recreation facility, such as an aquatic centre.

The proposed new service would pay for existing South Cariboo Recreation and Culture services. This includes the South Cariboo recreation centre, Martin Exeter Hall, and soccer fields.

The proposed service would also include a new taxation limit to accommodate construction and operation for a major new facility such as an aquatic centre.


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