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HomeNews100 Mile HouseProvince implements new rules to assist forestry contractors

Province implements new rules to assist forestry contractors

(Files by Brendan Pawliw-MyPGNow)

The B.C. government continues to modernize the forest sector, by protecting good jobs and making regulation changes thus keeping contractors stay in business.

Amendments were made to the Timber Harvesting Contract and Subcontract Regulation to create transparency in contract negotiations and improve the dispute resolution process between forest tenure holders and the contractors they hire,

This includes log harvesters, log haulers, and road builders, who hold replaceable contracts.

One change requires license holders to provide contractors with clearer work specifications to understand the full scope of work to negotiate their rates.

“Our vision for a sustainable forest industry is focused on making sure everyone benefits from our public forests,” said Katrine Conroy, Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations, and Rural Development.

“We want to make sure forestry contractors and subcontractors can better count on a stable income, support their families, invest in their businesses and communities, and stay competitive.”

The changes take effect today (Thursday).

“COFI was pleased to have worked collaboratively with the contractor associations and government on these regulatory changes. They provide a foundation for success and sustainability for both contactors and licensees, including increased collaboration and information sharing between both parties at the negotiating stage. This is important because contractors are integral to supporting a strong, sustainable forest industry that contributes to the economic and social well-being of our province,” said Michael Armstrong, vice-president, forestry, BC Council of Forest Industries.

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