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Nominations Open For Accessibility Of Merit Award

Nominations are now being accepted for the Accessibility Award of Merit.

Maureen Straza, Chair Person of the Williams Lake Accessibility Advisory Committee said this award was created to recognize significant contributions made by groups, individuals, or businesses within the City.

“There are so many different types of barriers for different people because we’re all unique. We like to recognize a business, persons, and associations that are making an effort to help their business or their building to be accessible and inclusive to everyone.”

Straza said those contributions could be something as simple as keeping sidewalks clear, putting a small ramp in place, or putting up handrails.

The Accessibility Award of Merit was not given out last year due to COVID but Straza noted that an award of recognition was given to Sacred Heart Catholic School for building a sensory room for children that needed a quiet space and installing a lift for those who couldn’t use stairs.

The Accessibility Award of Merit not only means something to the recipient, it means a lot to the people whose contributions were made for.

Staraza said “People who struggle daily with obstacles, physical or social barriers, really appreciate the effort of others to make their services available to everyone.”

Straza added they started the nomination period earlier this year so that there will be plenty of time for people to get theirs in and for the Williams Lake Accessibility Advisory Committee to give the recognition where it’s deserved.

Nominations can be emailed to [email protected] and the deadline for submissions is September 30th 2021.

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