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HomeNews100 Mile HouseLorne Doerkson Liberal Party Candidate For The Cariboo-Chilcotin Riding

Lorne Doerkson Liberal Party Candidate For The Cariboo-Chilcotin Riding

The Liberal Party of B.C. has a new candidate in the Cariboo-Chilcotin riding as Lorne Doerkson will be running for the party in the province’s 2020 election.

Doerkson is a long-time Cariboo resident and is not new to the B.C. Liberal Party has he has served at the executive level.

He believes that he is the best candidate for the job.

“I’ve lived here for about 20 years or so. I’ve raised my family here, and most of the time, I’ve been involved in the community in several different capacities. I think I’m pretty in touch with what’s going on in the communities,’ he said. “We have fairly specific messages that need to be taken to Victoria, and they need to be heard. I really feel that I’m going to be the person that will be able to best convey those messages and the thoughts of the Cariboo-Chilcotin residents fairly and loudly to Victoria.”

Doerkson said that there are several issues that he sees are very important to residents in the riding.

“Probably the biggest issue and I’ve been talking about this for a number of weeks now but land use rights and title rights. I think we have a number of issues in crown leases, crown range, those types of things that need to be sorted out. I think also in duel uses of ALR properties as well,” he said. “I think those are pretty hot topics in the entire riding.”

He added that healthcare, senior housing, and economic recovery are other big issues that he feels need to be addressed.

Buckley will be running against Scott Andrews (BC NDP), James Buckley (Libertarian), Katya Potekhina (Independent), David Laing (B.C. Green Party) in the October 24th provincial election.

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