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“This would be a good thing,”: Dr. Bonnie Henry on possibility of multiple vaccines for COVID-19

Could more than one vaccine be developed for COVID-19?

BC Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry thinks so as Canada has begun a review of Oxford University’s candidate.

In addition, companies like Johnson and Johnson as well as Moderna and Pfizer (Fizer) have started their final stage trials south of the border.

In an interview with Vista Radio, Henry is optimistic this result can be achieved.

“In order to be able to be in a community together without worrying about transmitting this virus we need a vaccine. I am really hopeful that we can get more than one vaccine and that we will be able to get enough of it to go around really quickly.”

“This would be a good thing because some vaccines will work better for certain populations, maybe for older people or younger people so it would be great if we have several vaccines and this is something I and the rest of my colleagues are watching very closely.”

Henry added acquiring a successful treatment is vital in order to return to our pre-pandemic lives.

She also mentioned limiting our contacts is key if someone in our family tests positive or is self-isolating at home for COVID-19.

Henry stated keeping our social circles small is important when dealing with this scenario.

“That may mean not socializing outside of our family or outside of our group with others because that might put us at risk of bringing the virus home, in particular, if we have seniors or elders at home that we have contact with.”

“If somebody does become a contact and is self-isolating then we need to stay away from them as much as possible and make sure that they can eat their meals on their own and stay in a separate area of the home and if somebody does get sick and they are at home recuperating we also want to make sure that anyone who is more vulnerable stays away from that sick person as much as possible.”

Northern Health has 325 cases of the virus with 14 of those considered active.

One person is currently hospitalized.

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