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HomeNews100 Mile HouseLakes on Highway 24 to receive improved access for fishing

Lakes on Highway 24 to receive improved access for fishing

Interest in freshwater fishing has increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. Fishing license sales have increased by 14% over 2019, and license sales for anglers between the ages of 16-24 increased by 55%.

Access to fishing in the South Cariboo has been difficult for beginners, many lakes needing docks or boats to get good spots. The Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC is aiming to improve access to lakes along Highway 24. Docks have been added to Hathaway Lake and Phinetta Lake, and more are on the way. Manager of Sport Fishing Development Mike Gass not having access to a boat can be a challenge for beginner anglers, and adding docks and trails will improve access. Gass says they’re also adding new boat launches and trails to more lakes along Highway 24. Irish lake will also be receiving a new dock soon, and Horse Lake will see improvements to the Northwest boat launch.

The trails, docks, and boat launch improvements are a part of a three-year project in the area.

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