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HomeNews100 Mile HouseWallin Honored To Be Appointed To the Forest Practices Board

Wallin Honored To Be Appointed To the Forest Practices Board

The Forest Practices Board has appointed a representative from the Cariboo.

Gail Wallin, who is the Executive Director with Invasive Species Council of BC in Williams Lake, will sit on the board for a 3-year term.

“I’m not a forester but I’ll be joining the board and adding in a diverse background to the board,” Wallin said, “I’ve worked in the Natural Resource Sector for 30 years from a wide range of areas. I’ve worked in Forestry, Wildlife, Parks, Invasive Species, so I’ll bring a mix of background to the board”.

Wallin said she was pleased and honored for the invite to join the board and with her vast experience is hoping to make a difference.

Being from the Cariboo My Cariboo Now asked Wallin if that’s going to give the region a little stronger voice in how the Forest Practices are handled.

“I think Forest Stewardship is really important to all of British Columbia,” Wallin said, “Because I live and work in a rural community I always think having a rural voice is really important on Forest Land Management.

This will be Wallin’s first time on the Forest Practices Board but has sat on a number of other boards Provincially, Nationally and Internationally.

Wallin will be active on the Board starting this Fall.

The Forest Practices Board is BC’s independent watchdog for sound forest and range practices, reporting its findings and recommendations directly to the public and government.

The board audits forest and range practices and appropriateness of government enforcement on public lands, investigates public complaints and current forestry issues, participates in administrative appeals, and makes recommendations for improvement to practices and legislation.

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