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HomeNewsCity of Williams Lake to use Zoom for council meetings

City of Williams Lake to use Zoom for council meetings

The City of Williams Lake will be holding its Council meetings electronically through videoconferencing technology during the coronavirus pandemic.

“There’s a bunch of restrictions in the Community Charter which is the legislation that guides the activities of municipalities,” said Chief Administrative Officer, Milo MacDonald. “So we were looking for a way to be able to hold electronic meetings in a way that’s compatible with the community charter and the new regulations, so we’re going to be doing our city council meetings on Zoom.”

The first Council meeting to utilize Zoom takes place on Tuesday, April 7 and will be streamed on the City’s Youtube page. The online meetings will also be recorded and accessible following the live feeds for anyone unable to stream live.

“I’ve used Zoom a number of times for teleconferences and it has been mostly a successful experience,” MacDonald said. “This is a bit of a trial run for us, but one of the good things is nobody will be in physical contact or anywhere near one another.”

Mayor Walt Cobb said this is a very different way of holding a Council meeting, but that he looks forward to continuing to work with the rest of Council to ensure the City gets through this, even if that means working from their home offices.

Committee of Whole Council meetings meanwhile have been canceled.

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