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HomeNewsWilliams LakeWilliams Lake and Westbank share more than a 'W"

Williams Lake and Westbank share more than a ‘W”

A new program that brings together the province and the Southern Interior Construction Association is hoping to give training for 36 Aboriginal people.

The goal is to allow the EI-eligible participants to become heavy-equipment operators.

SICA will be receiving more than one-million dollars in government funding which will go to providing classroom instruction and hands-on training for those chosen between Williams Lake and Westbank.

Last year SICA ran an Okanagan-based program utilizing the same work experience opportunities and that led to 35 people finding jobs.

Cariboo Chilcotin MLA and Minister of State for Rural Economic Development, Donna Barnett says it is a very positive initiative, “seeing what has been accomplished through this program and listening to people talk about it and how optimistic and positive those that are taking the course are, that at the end of the day they will have good jobs.”

The program is already in progress and Barnett says two of the people taking the course have already been offered jobs when they finish.

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