22 additional child care centres will be joining the $10 a day ChildCareBC spaces in the Province.
Of that total there are two in the Cariboo.
Cheeky Monkeys Daycare in Quesnel will have 7 spaces and the Evangelical Free Church Maranatha Minis Daycare in Williams Lake will have 49 spaces.
The BC Government said spaces in the $10 a day ChildCareBC program will reduce the average cost of child care for children five and younger from $1,115 a month for full-time, centre-based care to $200 a month for the same service saving families an average of approximately $915 a month per child.
Families throughout British Columbia will continue to benefit from government investments in child care, as more families gain access to $10 a day spaces and new child care centre projects are funded.
The government’s focus was to prioritize new $10 a day facilities in communities that do not yet have access to the $10 a day ChildCareBC program and/or providers who serve low-income areas.
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