Now that it’s Spring in the Cariboo it may be tempting to remove your vehicle’s winter tires.
Program Director for Road Safety at Work, Trace Acres said BC law requires winter tires on designated highways until at least March 31st.
Acres went over some of the Highways that require them until the end of April.
“Highway 97 North of Cache Creek has a winter tire mandate in effect until April 30. South of Cache Creek the highway mandate is in effect but only until the end of March. Looking at other routes like Highway 5 to the Alberta boarder, Highway 1 to the Alberta boarder, and Highway 5, those roads have winter tire mandates in effect as well.”
Acres noted spring may be in the air but the weather can be very deceptive even at this time of year.
“And as well we’re still dealing with overnight cool temperatures below zero and that really is one of the main reasons why you should not remove your winter tires yet because winter tires do function better in colder temperatures. You need them on to keep yourself safe until we’re looking at regular temperatures above 7 degrees Celsius.”
Acres added we’re all anxious to jump into spring but there’s more work for our winter tires to do.
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