Not one’s to run away from a challenge, all the members of 100 Mile Fire Rescue are fully in, participating in the Canadian Mental Health Association Push Up Challenge.
From now until February 28 each member takes on doing a total of 2,000 push ups representing the 2,000 lives lost to suicide each day, world wide.
Firefighter Isabella Robins was the person who organized getting the rest of her department onboard with this cause.
“I brought the idea up at our last operation meeting night and 17 hands went up right away that were ready to get involved. Since we started back on February 11, most people did 92 push ups, next day was 80, and yesterday was 120.”
Robins said each day the Ap or the online version gives you an amount to do.
With that in mind, we asked Fire Chief Dave Bissat about participants using the “Honour System”.
“At our meeting I called out the Firefighters about the honour system and told them to come in here and we want to witness them doing it, so lots of them have been popping into the hall, dropping down and doing their push ups,” Bissat said.
While members of 100 Mile Fire Rescue are answering the call to this push challenge, they are also accepting donations which will be given to the South Cariboo Branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association.
“So far we’ve raised about $650 which came from those taking part in this event and the community,” Robins said.
You can watch a short video of the firefighters doing their push ups in full gear on the 100 Mile Fire Rescue Facebook page where you can also find out how to donate.
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