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HomeNews100 Mile HouseDistrict Of 100 Mile House Hoping To Find Specific Grant Funding In...

District Of 100 Mile House Hoping To Find Specific Grant Funding In 2025


That’s what the District of 100 Mile House will be keeping their eyes open for this coming new year.

Mayor Maureen Pinkney said they are constantly looking for specific grants to be able to get some certain projects done in 2025.

“Our taxpayers dollars are used up by our maintenance and infrastructure but if we can get a grant to move the lodge along that would be fantastic. That is a project that is near and dear to our heart and the community and we certainly look forward to seeing that getting opened as a Museum as well as the Community Hall.”

Pinkney said the District took the Hall over and that it needs some pretty severe upgrades.

“It can be used as is so we will not spend our local tax dollars on it but but we definitely need to do something soon, it’s an aged building. It needs new pipes, and new heating, and such. There are always the things that you want to do and things that you have to do and the have to’s must come first,” Pinkney said.

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