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HomeNewsFinal Forestry Video Released By Central Chilcotin Rehabilitation Ltd

Final Forestry Video Released By Central Chilcotin Rehabilitation Ltd

Central Chilcotin Rehabilitation Ltd. (CCR) has released their final video in their 5-part forestry series.

“A Summary of Forest Rehabilitation Efforts” highlights how First Nations leadership in forestry allows them to reclaim authority over their traditional territories, fostering economic development opportunities while prioritizing environmental conservation and sustainable forest management practices.

“We’re at a point where we offer a lot in terms of knowledge, experience, and capacity to work with government to collaborate to co-manage a lot of these areas featured in our videos,” Forest Technician and Executive Director of CCR Percy Guichon stated in a release.

Central Chilcotin Rehabilitation Ltd.’s operations in rural and remote locations in the Cariboo Chilcotin region. Photo-CCR

The videos has featured First Nations leadership, community members, and elders of both Tsideldel First Nation and Tl’etinqox government, along with forestry professionals and various collaborators, including the Forest Enhancement Society of BC, Atlantic Power, among others.

“Creating these videos was impotant to us to help better educate the public about the work we are doing through Central Chilcotin Rehabilitation Ltd and the benefits of that work,” Guichon said, “We hope these videos will bring awareness to the public of our forest rehabilitation efforts as well as inspire other First Nations communities to take a leadership role within Forestry.”

Central Chilcotin Rehabilitation was formed by Tsideldel First Nation and Tl’etinqox Government in the Spring of 2017.

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