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HomeNews100 Mile HouseDistrict Of 100 Mile House Wants To Hear From You

District Of 100 Mile House Wants To Hear From You

The District of 100 Mile House is asking residents to take part in their latest survey.

It’s being done to prepare a master plan for the 100 Mile House Airport which Mayor Maureen Pinkney said is to help the District identify the priorities what infrastructure, operations, economic development is required moving forward.

“Hearing from the residents, what’s important to them will assist us in this process. How do the airport users and residents envision the future of the airport. What priorities should the District of 100 Mile be considering this master plan will have a about a twenty year outlook providing us with a clear path for improvements required so that we can plan the future of infrastructure and wanting to be able to take any funding opportunities that come across our desk.”

Pinkney said they had never done a survey like this before and it came about after a couple of other surveys that the District had done where they were gathering information from the different users, Medi-vacs, residents and other people interested in the airport’s potential.

“We need a strong sense of what infrastructure we need. There’s obvious things we need, we need to re-do the fencing but what are the things we might not be seeing and this will help us to see where we really need to go.”

We asked the Mayor what she hopes the survey will achieve.

“What types of things can we explore for market opportunities and future growth. Maybe we can get a small Aircraft repair company working out of there, you just don’t know where these things will lead to or who even is new in our community that may not even be aware that we’re looking for more things to happen at the airport. We will certainly be looking forward to seeing what the survey results are.”

The master plan survey for the 100 Mile House Airport can be found on the District of 100 Mile House Facebook page.

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