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HomeNews100 Mile HouseWinter tires will need to be installed for provincial highways next week

Winter tires will need to be installed for provincial highways next week

Starting October 1st, drivers will need to have their winter tires installed before travelling on provincial highways.

Winter tires aren’t only for snow and ice, but also help give better traction in rain and the cooler temperatures at night.

Program Director for Road Safety at Work, Trace Acres says it especially critical for areas like the Cariboo where weather can change quickly.

“Not only does the winter tire mandate apply to most highways in the interior of the province, but in areas where we’re seeing lower temperatures, lower overnight temperatures, potential frost in the morning, and a potential of early snowfall.” says Acres.

“It’s really important to start thinking about not only do I have the right kind of tires for the conditions, but are they in good shape.”

Acres says seasonal tires with the M+S are able to be used, but recommends full winter rated tires with the three peak mountain and snowflake emblem on the side.

The Shift into Winter campaign also begins October 1st, reminding drivers to do a seasonal vehicle check-up, which includes making sure tires are properly inflated.

Other tips include avoiding poor condition driving, keep vehicle lights on, not wearing bulky clothing when driving, and more.

Winter tires are required to be installed when on provincial highways until March 31st.

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