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HomeNewsWilliams Lake First Nation leading wildfire risk reduction and green energy production

Williams Lake First Nation leading wildfire risk reduction and green energy production

The Forest Enhancement Society of BC (FESBC) released a new accomplishments update, highlighting Williams Lake First Nation (WLFN).

The FESBC said it showcases achievements reached by it’s funded projects across the province, which the project for WLFN was to mitigate wildfire risk reduction and contribute to the production of green energy.

While addressing one of the region’s environmental challenges, materials from slash piles were sent to local facilities to be converted into green energy, rather than burning it which contributes to pollution.

They said the approach has already helped avoid 490 tonnes of carbon emissions, equivalent to removing over 100 passenger vehicles off the road a year.

FESBC Executive Director, Steve Kozuki noted how happy they are with project partners across the province utilizing more waste wood or reducing wildfire risk while driving additional benefits.

More information about accomplishments update and project can be found on the Forest Enhancement Society of BC’s website here.

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