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HomeNews100 Mile HouseCariboo Fire Centre reminding people of fire precautions for warmer long weekend

Cariboo Fire Centre reminding people of fire precautions for warmer long weekend

As temperatures rise and the long weekend around the corner, the Cariboo Fire Centre is reminding everyone to stay fire aware.

Category 1 campfires, which are defined as a fire half a metre high and wide, are allowed within the region, excluding the Tsilhqot’in (Xeni Gwet’in) Declared Title Area.

Fire Information Officer, Jeromy Corrigan says anyone having a campfire should have measures in place.

“These include readily access to a shovel or at least eight litres of water the entirety of the time that the campfire is lit.”

“There is a fuel break around the campfire free of any debris or combustible materials, the fire is fully extinguished and the ashes are cold to the touch before leaving the campfire for any length of time.”

Corrigan says Category 2 and 3 open fires remain prohibited across the Cariboo.

Anyone found in contravention of an open burning prohibition may be issued a violation ticket for $1,150 and may be required to pay an administrative penalty of up to $10,000, or if convicted in court there could be fines of up to $100,000.

To report an unattended fire, you’re asked to call *5555 or report it using the BC Wildfire Service app.

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