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HomeNewsVehicle fire delays traffic north of 100 Mile House

Vehicle fire delays traffic north of 100 Mile House

100 Mile House RCMP and 100 Mile Fire Rescue attended a vehicle fire along Highway 97 earlier this (Thursday) afternoon.

Sergeant Trevor Medernach (Medder-nack) says the incident happened just before 1-30.

“We got a call to assist the Fire Department with a truck towing a trailer full of hay that had caught on fire near the 105 Mile area on Highway 97. Fire Services was on scene before we got there. They were putting out the fire, and had to utilize both lanes which was the cause of the delay.”

Medernach says the Highway is now back to single lane alternating traffic.

He says the driver was not injured.

“The driver was fine. He was able to disconnect the trailer from his truck and fire service put it out and cleaned it up and he was able to reattach and drive away.”

Medernach says no other vehicles were involved.

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